Are you ready for a shorter working week? Help us assess your readiness through our free tool powered by our CODE methodology®

WTR Assessment

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Please tell us about your company

Organizational challenges and ongoing initiatives are openly and widely shared, and our people are regularly offered opportunities to get involved with initiatives and offer solutions to challenges.*
Our leaders proactively look to set a clear, compelling direction, and empower teams to find the best route and figure out the details. Our teams are given the tools, training and support they need to feel confident in doing so.*
Our leaders display a high level of trust in the competence and capacity of their team members to perform and feel comfortable providing autonomy and flexibility to do so. Our people feel they enjoy a high level of trust as a result, and they trust their leaders in return.*
Our team members are given direction to produce certain outcomes and deliver certain results, but teams and individuals have delegated responsibility to figure out the details of how, when and where this gets done within reasonable organizational parameters.*
We have a clear vision in place and everyone in the organization feels they have a role to play in its realization.*
Our people feel compelled to use their time as effectively as possible and are continuously striving to find time efficiencies which could unlock greater capacity.*
Our teams are incentivized to work collectively to achieve their performance targets and realize their goals, and performance metrics and appraisals are primarily defined in the collective.*
Our definition of productivity is clearly linked to achieving goals and results which ladder up into overall objectives, and a relentless pursuit of effectiveness, quality and creativity is emphasized over the volume of time, tasks and activity.*
Our people feel they have a say in decisions that impact their work, feel empowered to make decisions within the scope of their work, and feel comfortable making decisions.*
Our attitude to experimentation is to test, adapt and iterate new ideas wherever possible. Failing fast is not only accepted but encouraged.*
Our team members proactively approach their work looking to push boundaries, challenge themselves and find ways to improve on the status quo.*
We have a widespread understanding of organizational objectives, and collective buy-in to the fulfillment of these objectives.*

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