Are you ready for a shorter working week? Help us assess your readiness through our free tool powered by our CODE methodology®

WTR Assessment

"*" indicates required fields

Please tell us about your company

Our people are always fully involved in the design and implementation of current and new working practices.*
Our decision-making culture is decentralized and people are empowered to make operational decisions in support of our business.*
Our current performance metrics fairly and consistently measure individual and team performance.*
There are consistent and standard disciplines in place across all of our teams, which are integral to the ways in which we operate as an organization.*
Our operational and internal processes and activities are fully documented and regularly reviewed to identify and remove unnecessary waste.*
Our real time and daily workload demand is easily visible to all members of the team, and these outputs are utilized to support a credible mathematical approach to calculating our resource needs.*
Our organization has a culture of continuous improvement which is not only open to change but actively embraces it.*
Our organization would welcome an exploratory discussion regarding the feasibility and desirability of transitioning to a shorter working week, and our readiness to do so.*

Great! Now please tell us how we can contact you with the assessment report